BC Urban Mayors Outline Priorities for Provincial Government

January 16, 2025 VICTORIA, BC – The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus has outlined their priorities for the provincial government, ahead of the release of the provincial ministerial mandate letters. In a letter sent to the Premier in December, dubbed the Caucus’s ‘Christmas Wish list,’ the mayors from 16 of the largest municipalities in BC identified […]

2024 Provincial Election- Leaders Questionnaire

BC’s Urban Mayors are closely watching the developments of this upcoming provincial election, as are all British Columbians. The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus constructed a leadership priorities questionnaire that asked each provincial party leader about their vision and policies for BC, and how they intend to work with local governments to solve provincial issues. The […]

Statement from BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus on the report, Policing and Community Safety in British Columbia, released by the BC Legislature’s Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act.

The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus (BCUMC) welcomes the recommended reforms and changes laid out in Policing and Community Safety in British Columbia, a report by the BC Legislature’s Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act.

Statement from the BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus on Federal Budget 2022

The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus (BCUMC), a coalition of 13 non-partisan Mayors representing more than 55 per cent of the population of British Columbia, releases the following statement in response to Federal Budget 2022.

BC’s urban mayors welcome news of senior levels of government providing $204 million in pandemic relief funding to British Columbia’s transit operators

BRITISH COLUMBIA – The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus (BCUMC) welcomes the news from the Federal and Provincial Governments allocating $204 million in additional transit pandemic-relief funding to support BC’s transit operators.

BC Urban Mayors encouraged by Provincial Budget and look forward to continued dialogue

BRITISH COLUMBIA – The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus, a coalition of 13 non-partisan Mayors representing more than half the population of British Columbia release the following statements in response to the 2022 Provincial Budget.

BC Urban Mayors applaud the new fiscal relationship MOU signed by the Province and UBCM

BRITISH COLUMBIA – The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus (BCUMC) Co-Chairs Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran and Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps, are issuing the following statement in support of the recent memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the Province’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Finance Ministry, and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) that will set the path forward for a better local government finance model.

BC Mayors’ support national call on Federal Government to extend Safe Restart Agreement for critical transit funding

BRITISH COLUMBIA – Affordable, reliable and accessible public transit is critical to the economic, social and environmental future of our cities. The BC Urban Mayors’ Caucus (BCUMC), representing 13 municipalities and more than 55 per cent of British Columbians, joins the national call to the Government of Canada to extend critical public transportation funding – specifically to TransLink, BC Transit and BC Ferries in B.C. – beyond the Federal 2020 Safe Restart Agreement.

Province’s new plan for complex care housing good first step for B.C. cities

BRITISH COLUMBIA – Responding to the Province of BC’s announcement of the first four complex care housing sites opening in Vancouver, Surrey and Abbotsford, the B.C. Urban Mayors’ Caucus BCUMC) Co-Chairs, Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran and Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps, released the following statement on behalf of the Caucus’s 13 member Mayors

BC Urban Mayors make renewed and urgent call to implement complex care housing solutions

BRITISH COLUMBIA – The 13 mayors representing more than 55 per cent of British Columbians are once again calling on the Provincial Government for the urgent implementation of complex care housing solutions to support the most vulnerable residents in their communities. Today they are releasing a video to reiterate their call.